Sikkim Govt announced new covid restrictions

covid restrictions in Sikkim
Covid restrictions in Sikkim

The sikkim government today announced new covid restrictions applicable till the 24th of January. All persons entering the State shall be required to produce a negative RTPCR report conducted within 72 hours prior to the date of entry. Vehicles bearing registration numbers ending with odd digits shall be allowed to ply on days having odd dates, vehicles bearing registration numbers ending with even digits shall be allowed to ply on days having even dates.

All-State Government offices including PUs, Boards, Corporations under the state government shall work with 50% attendance. All social, political, religious, and sports-related gatherings shall be prohibited. Number of persons for marriage ceremony shall be restricted to 50. The number of persons for performing funeral rites shall be restricted to 20.

On odd-even on covid restrictions, vehicles bearing registration numbers ending with odd digits shall be allowed to ply on days having odd dates. Vehicles bearing registration numbers ending with even digits shall be allowed to ply on days having even dates.

The COVID-19 curve in Sikkim is rising again after months of decline, with the number of new cases per day doubling over the past two days, driven by the fast-spreading Omicron variant, amid spreading as festival and social gatherings. Confirmed infections climbed to an average of about 70 new cases today, Sunday compering to yesterday January 8th, according to Sikkim Medical Hospital. And all but two East and West districts reported 51 and 13 each — reported that case numbers have gone up over the past two weeks.

At the same time, parts of the country are running up against deep vaccine resistance for children below 19, while the highly contagious mutant version of the coronavirus that was first detected in India is accounting for an ever-larger share of infections in Delhi and Mumbai together.

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