Lt. General (Dr) MD Venkatesh takes over as Pro-Chancellor, Sikkim Manipal University


GANGTOK, 6th June 2021: Lt. General (Dr.) MD Venkatesh has been appointed as the Pro-Chancellor of Sikkim Manipal University (SMU), in addition to his onerous responsibility as Vice-Chancellor, Manipal Academy of Higher Education.

He has taken over from Shri Rajen Padukone, erstwhile Pro Chancellor, SMU, who was also Group President (Academia) of Manipal Education & Medical Group (MEMG). Shri Padukone has served with distinction with his vast and rich experience of over 40 years, in the diverse fields of education, healthcare, banking, financial services and manufacturing sectors, all over the country. He has been a mentor par excellence for the entire SMU team.
Lt Gen (Dr) MD Venkatesh needs no introduction to Sikkim. He had a distinguished tenure as the Vice-Chancellor, SMU from 01 July 2017 till 30 June 2020. As Vice-Chancellor, Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE), he ably leads the globally reputed, Institution of Eminence. He graduated from Mysore Medical College, Karnataka, in 1978, with an exceptional academic track record. He was commissioned in Army Medical Corps in 1979, followed by meritorious service of almost four decades. He excelled at the MS (ENT) course from Mumbai University, in 1986. He is acclaimed as an outstanding ENT Surgeon, who has held many prestigious academic, instructional, command, managerial, staff and administrative appointments in the armed forces medical services. He has optimally leveraged his training in cochlear implantation and neuro-otology in India and abroad, for the benefit of his patients, colleagues & students. He has made a commendable impact in the field of medical education, having trained many generations of undergraduate and postgraduate students at the prestigious Armed Forces Medical College (AFMC) Pune; and other renowned tertiary care PG teaching hospitals. He has the unique distinction of holding, all the important academic positions at AFMC, from Assoc Professor (ENT) to Dean. He was also a founder faculty of the Department of Medical Education Technology at AFMC. He has been an Examiner & Inspector of MCI (now NMC) & National Board of Examinations.

Dr. Venkatesh spearheaded SMU as a highly respected Vice Chancellor, wherein he was instrumental in the quantum improvement in many academic processes, qualitative healthcare (at CRH), facilities and IT infrastructure of SMU. He is an epitome of inspiring leadership qualities and team building skills and shaped ‘Team SMU’ as a cohesive and reputed multi-disciplinary higher education institution. Under his visionary leadership, SMU achieved the recognition as one of the ‘leading private Universities’ in the country and region.

Team SMU, along with its constituent institutes, colleges and units, welcomes Lt Gen (Dr) Venkatesh as the Pro-Chancellor; and looks forward to benefit from his nurturing mentorship and guidance, to enable the University to fulfill its true potential as the preferred academic & high quality healthcare destination of the region and our state of Sikkim.


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