Lubina Kritika

Launching of Suravee Thakuri’s Midnight Gossips

19-year-old Suravee Thakuri rocked Darjeeling's literary scenario by publishing her debut book Midnight gossips. Suravee Thakuri is a 19-year-old teen…

4 years ago

Spoiler for the Madan Puraskar Nominated Novel -“Fulangey!”

"Everything ends in death, everything. Death is terrible." Leo Tolstoy After the death of Nimma's father may be Nimma's love…

4 years ago

भानुभक्तको रामायण,श्रीरामको जीवन वर्णन

आदिकवि भानुभक्त आचार्य नेपाली साहित्य जगत्‌मा एक भानुभक्तको रामायण सुपरिचित नाम हो । बाजेबाट शिक्षा-दीक्षा पाएका भानुभक्तले घाँसीबाट प्रेरणा पाएर…

4 years ago