Mansukh Mandaviya, the new Union Health Minister recently tweeted a photo of his daughter with the caption, “My daughter, my pride! Reportedly, Rajya Sabha MP and the new Health Minister Mandaviya’s daughter is a final year MBBS student of Vadodara Medical College, Gujarat. She has been assisting the junior doctors and has now started rendering service in a COVID Care Centre amidst the pandemic.
Reports say that in the past week, Mandaviya visited the facilities of three vaccine-makers — Zydus and Bharat Biotech in Ahmedabad and Serum Institute of India in Pune, albeit in his capacity as the minister of state for chemicals and fertilizers to ramp up indigenous vaccines in the long run. Earlier he came to the limelight when he rode a bicycle to the Parliament a few years back to promote a green environment.
Mandaviya was the youngest MLA to enter Gujarat Assembly at the age of 28 years in 2002. He also served as the Chairman of Gujarat Agro Industries Limited.
He is a Veterinary doctor by Profession and also has a Masters degree in Political Science from a reputed university. He is known to be an active social worker in various fields while being in Gujarat and had worked to promote menstrual hygiene immensely which was recognized by UNICEF in 2015. He delivered a speech in English in the General Assembly of the UN for the same that year.
Mandaviya was first elected as Rajya Sabha MP in 2012 and re-elected again in 2018 to finally get promoted as the Union Health Minister now in the recent Cabinet reshuffle in July 2021 and has a tough road ahead to ramp up vaccinations as well as tackle any further waves of the pandemic.
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