13-Year-Old Girl Found Hanging in Mamring, Namthang Rateypani Constituency in Namchi District.
A 13-year-old girl was found hanging from the ceiling beam of her room in Mamring, on February 22 at around 3:00 PM. The tragic incident was reported to the police by the local Ward Panchayat.
According to preliminary investigations, the deceased was a student at Mamring Junior High School and the only child of her parents. She had reportedly been expressing a desire to transfer to a different school in Namthang, but due to logistical constraints, her parents decided to keep her enrolled at the same institution.
On the day of the incident, she was alone at home as it was a school holiday. Her father, a casual laborer, and her mother, an employee at a private company, were away at work, while her grandfather had gone to the fields. Upon returning home in the afternoon, her mother found her hanging and immediately raised an alarm.
Authorities conducted an inquest in the presence of an Executive Magistrate and family members. The body was transported to District Hospital Singtam for a medico-legal autopsy and the case is under investigation.