Sikkim Judicial Academy Hosts Mental Health, Drug Awareness Programme


The Sikkim Judicial Academy, in collaboration with the Sikkim State Legal Services Authority, organized a one-day orientation programme on “Mental Health, Substance Abuse, and Drug Addiction: Prevention and Intervention” at its premises in Gangtok. The event aimed to raise awareness and provide insights into mental health challenges, suicide prevention, and drug addiction among judicial officers, government stakeholders, advocates, and students.

The programme featured Dr. Satyajit Ash, Consulting Psychiatrist from Kolkata, and Professor Sujit Sarkhel, Head of the Institute of Psychiatry, Kolkata, as resource persons. They addressed critical issues such as Sikkim’s high suicide rate and the growing concern of substance abuse in the state.

Speaking at the event, the Chief Justice of the High Court of Sikkim highlighted the complexities of suicide laws and the need to balance decriminalization with accountability. He also emphasized the importance of responsible media reporting on suicides and urged media houses to act with sensitivity.

The resource persons provided valuable insights into suicide prevention, including early warning signs, first-aid techniques, and the role of social engagement in intervention. They also explained how drug addiction affects the brain, the risk factors such as family conflict and peer pressure, and the importance of professional help in rehabilitation.

The programme underscored the critical role of healthcare professionals, NGOs, and the media in tackling these pressing social issues and promoting mental well-being in Sikkim.


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