SMU awards Ph.D. in Physics to Dr. Pronita Chettri

Sikkim Manipal University
Sikkim Manipal University

Sikkim Manipal University (SMU) has awarded the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Physics to Dr. Pronita Chettri for her thesis titled “Effect of electron beam and plasma irradiation on the structural, electrical properties and thermopower of mixed-valence manganites with perovskite structure”. The Degree has been awarded on the recommendation of the Board of Examination of Sikkim Manipal University ( SMU ) in the open defence Viva-Voce Examination conducted on 24th of November 2021 with an expert External Examiner from IIT Delhi.

Dr. Pronita Chettri is a faculty in the Department of Physics, Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology (SMIT), Majitar, Sikkim. She pursued her research work under the Supervision of Dr. Utpal Deka, Professor of Physics, SMIT, and Dr. Ashok Rao, Professor of Physics, Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Karnataka. She has published her study findings in reputed International Journals and also presented several scientific papers in National and International Conferences. Her oral presentation was conferred the Best Paper Award in International Conference on Mechanical Materials and Renewable Energy 2018.

The Doctor of philosophy will be awarded to her during the next Convocation of Sikkim Manipal University.

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