Sikkim registered 59 new Covid cases on Saturday. The recovered number stand is 12608 and positivity rate 13.34% Recovery rate…
Advancing further, the Southwest Monsoon covered the northeast region, nearly four days after its normal date, India. RK Jenamani, senior…
The Sikkim Police has seized brown sugar weighing 10.85 gms in the West Sikkim's Geyzing and arrested two drug peddlers…
To observe World Environment Day on 5th June, 202l, in a bid to provide the students with fun and engaging…
NHPC, Teesta-V Power Station, Sikkim observed World Environment Day on 5th June 2021 at its Residential Township in Balutar and…
The recent incessant rains in the state have transformed small streams into raging torrents and increased the water volumes of…