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Meet a self-empowered woman ‘Jalebi Didi’

Geeta Chettri, wonder woman
Geeta Chettri, wonder woman

Women from indigenous and grassroots communities are often also custodians of traditional knowledge, which is key for their communities’ livelihoods, resilience, and culture. They are integral in the rural economy as farmers, wage earners, and entrepreneurs.

Empowering rural women by creating employment opportunities contributes to inclusive and economic growth, but they need financial support to revival the rural economy for the long term.

In the Small village of Sikkim, Temi Tarku we found a woman named Geeta Chettri who is known as “Jalebi Didi” as she was very expert in making Jalebi by her hand without using any technique.

Geeta Chettri, 40 yrs old mother of three sons, faced lots of hardship before share started her small venture. She currently lives in the far village of Lower Pabong, South Sikkim. Most people during occasion invite her to make Jalebi which is her major source of Income.

She said that ‘I learned a lot to make the most delicious Julabi in the village and instantly got positive feedbacks from many people which kept me motivated to do something new’.

Now, ‘She tries her every effort to make her customers happy by putting her dedication into making the tastiest Jalebi, She has great feedback from South Sikkim.

During interaction with The Sikkim Today, she said, she often gets recognized in almost every corner of the village and many other places as well. Due to this, her demands for Jalebi at different functions on a large and small scale have been a successful experience for her to run the family, she mentioned.

She also got a job offer from many good restaurants. However she denied because she wants to lead an example as “Self-Empowered” from rural areas to lead others, she just wishes govt to provide an equal provision of rural services and infrastructure, it is possible to facilitate women’s access to startup, productive resources, and build on their knowledge, skills, and abilities.

Despite seeing her business growth, she said she wishes to start a venture where she can train 20 women to make Julabi and send them to occasion in every corner of Sikkim wherever they will get invited.

There is a requirement to focus and make efforts to increase women’s representation in local institutions and governance mechanisms and include them in decision-making within their households and communities. Sikkim Government must focus on this to uplift rural women. Women empowerment has progressed beyond being an urban phenomenon as the government and various welfare organisations are trying to bring a paradigm shift at the grassroots level.

Geeta has a dream to set up her venture to another level and hire more woman if she got help from Government’s side to set up her venture.

If you want to take a ziaka (taste) of her Julabi then you can visit Chalamthang Village Tourism near the entrance of the venue on the auspicious ongoing celebration for Rukum Gangchung Eco Village Tourism Cum Gyalpo/Sherpa Losar Festival-2021 in Rukum Taar, Gangchung, South Sikkim.

Geeta, 40 years old, is one example of a successful project taken forward by a woman for the prosperity of her family and community that too all by herself with her effort. The need of the hour is thoughtful planning, considering complex social, economic, and cultural nuances, decision-making dynamics within the community, and access to resources. It is important to thoroughly consider, research, and collaborate necessary actions for holistic and long-lasting solutions that will help in empowering women in the true sense.

Also Read – दहीचिउरा खाने दिन स्वास्थ्यका लागि कति लाभदायी

दहीचिउरा खाने दिन स्वास्थ्यका लागि कति लाभदायी

Asar 15
Asar Pandhra’ celebration

‘असारको पन्ध्र’ आज देशभर खेतमा रोपाइँ गरी दहीचिउरा खाएर मनाइँदैछ । ‘असारको पन्ध्र दहीचिउरा खानू, साउनको पन्ध्र खीर’ भन्ने लोकोक्ति प्रख्यात छ । आज रोपाइँ गरी दही–चिउरा खानाले गति परिने विश्वासमा खेतीपाती नहुनेहरू पनि अरूको खेतमा वा आफ्नै करेसाबारीमा रोपाइँ गरेर हिलो छ्यापाछाप गरेर रमाइलो गर्छन् ।

असारको समयमा किसान अति व्यस्त हुने र खेतको पानी सकिएमा वर्ष दिन खाने बाली लगाउन नपाइने हुँदा धानको बीउ रोप्नेजस्तो व्यस्त समयमा घरमा मानिस मरे पनि घुमले छोपेर काममा जानुपर्छ भन्ने किंवदन्ती छ । बोलीचालीको भाषामा आफ्नो व्यस्तता दर्शाउन पनि ‘मलाई अहिले असारको पन्ध छ’ भन्ने गरिन्छ ।

रोपाइँ गर्दा आफ्ना दुःख, पीर तथा जीवनका घटनालाई गीतका रूपमा असारे गीत गाउने पनि गरिन्छ । यसै अवसरमा केही समुदायमा असारे गीतमा जुहारी खेल्ने पनि गरिन्छ ।कति लाभदायी छ दही चिउराचिउरा कार्बोहाइड्रेडको स्रोत हो । दहीमा चिउरा मिसाएर खाँदा कार्बोहाइड्रेड, प्रोटिन, क्याल्सियम, पोटासियम र भिटामिन पर्याप्त मात्रामा प्राप्त गर्न सकिन्छ । यही कारण धेरै काम गर्ने दिन अर्थात असार १५ मा दहीचिउरा खाने प्रचलन चलेको हुनुपर्छ । असार १५ मा गर्मी पनि बढेको हुन्छ । गर्मीमा धान रोप्दा पसिनाको माध्यमबाट जाने पानीलाई समेत यसले परिपूर्ति गर्ने भएकाले दहीचिउरा खाने चलन बसाएको हुनुपर्छ हाम्रा पुर्खाहरुले ।

दहीचिउरा चाँडो तयार पार्न सकिने मिठो र पोषिलो खाजा भएकाले पनि कामको चाप भएका बेलाको खाना वा खाजाका रुपमा यसलाई रोजिएको हुनुपर्छ । दहीचिउरा खान असार १५ लाई नै कुर्नुपर्छ भन्ने छैन् । अरुबेला पनि दहीचिउरा खाँदा स्वास्थ्यका लागि लाभदायक हुन्छ । यो जुनसुकै उमेर समूहले पनि खान सक्छौं । जुन बेला पनि खान सकिन्छ ।दूध फाटेर बन्ने दहीमा क्याल्सियम, सोडिमय, पोटासियम र भिटामिन पाइन्छ । यसमा शरीरमा फाइदा गर्ने गुड ल्याक्टोब्यासिलस ब्याक्टेरिया समेत हुन्छ । चिउरामा भने कार्बोहाइड्रेड, आइरन र प्रोटिन पाइन्छ । हिजोआज चिनी हालेर गुलियो बनाएर दही खाने चलन छ । चिनी हाल्नुभन्दा सिजन अनुसारका फलफूल केरा, आँप आदि मिसाएर खाँदा उपयुक्त हुन्छ । यसरी खाँदा हामीले थप भिटामिन र खनिज पदार्थ पनि पाउन सक्छौं । यदि गुलियो बनाएर खाने हो भने पनि प्रकृतिक गुलियो सखर, खुदो मिसाइयो भने स्वास्थ्यका लागि लाभदायी हुन्छ ।

हाम्रा विभिन्न पारम्परिक अचार अथवा तरकारीसँग दहीचिउरा खादा अझ पूरक र पोषिलो हुन्छ । मधुमेह भएका बिरामीहरुले चिनी मिसाएको दही खानु हुँदैन । दैनिक खानामा एक कचौरा दही खाँदा स्वास्थ्यका हिसाबले राम्रो मान्न सकिन्छ ।दहीका फाइदा– दहीले मांशपेसी र हाड बलियो बनाउन मद्दत गर्छ ।– रोग प्रतिरोधात्मक क्षमता बढाउँछ ।– दही बनाउने ल्याक्टोब्यासिलस ब्याक्टेरियाले पाचन प्रक्रियामा सहयोग पुग्छ ।– दहीमा क्याल्सियम र मिनरल बढी मात्रामा पाइन्छ ।चिउराका फाइदा– चिउरा पकाउनु नपर्ने भएकाले हामीले जुनसुकै परिकारका साथ खान सकिन्छ ।– प्रशस्त कार्बोहाइड्रेड भएकाले काम गर्न शक्ति प्रदान गर्छ ।– फलामको ओखलमा कुटेको चिउरामा आइरनको मात्रा बढी हुन्छ ।

Also Read Asar Pandhra’celebrated with at the paddy field of Chota Singtam, East Sikkim

ICCC established at the Namchi Smart City project

Namchi Smart City Model

The Integrated Command and Control Centre (ICCC) under Namchi Smart City Limited has been established at the Parking Plaza at Namchi. Initially, Covid War Room was set up to monitor and create a database for active Covid 19 cases and ongoing vaccination. Now with the advent of monsoon, and with the opportunity to explore the facilities encompassed within the ICCC, the District Disaster Management Authority (South) has also decided to establish District Control Room at the ICCC which shall be made operational 24X7 commencing from 30th of June, 2021.

The Control Room shall have a dedicated contact no viz. 03595-264100 manned 24X7 by officials from Police Department, QRTs round the clock on a shift basis. The public is requested to report any disaster directly to the Control Room henceforth. All information related to all kinds of disasters shall be collected, documented, disseminated to concerned authorities from the Control Room itself.

The District Disaster Management Act (South) is working in close coordination with officers Namchi Smart City Limited, DIO NIC Namchi for the preparation of the database, modules, and software.

The government of India has proposed South Sikkim’s Namchi as a Smart City project where all facilities will be available in the coming time.

Also Read- PSEUDO-FEMINISM: Unwinding the Saga

Asar Pandhra’celebrated Chota Singtam,Sikkim

Asar pandhra
Asar pandhra Celebration in Sikkim

The Hon’ble Minister for Agriculture, Horticulture and Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Services Shri Lok Nath Sharma, Hon’ble Area MLA Namcheybung Constituency, Shri Em Prasad Sharma and Political Secretary to HCM Shri Jacob Khaling, attended the traditional festival of ‘Asar Pandhra’ where they joined the local gentry in relishing the traditional experience of rice plantation. The farmers expressed their joy and excitement as they joined the dignitaries in ploughing and planting.

Secretary, Agriculture Department Shri Rinzing C Bhutia, Secretary AH&VS Department Dr Sangey D Bhutia, and senior officials from Agriculture, Horticulture and AH &VS Departments also participated in the planting the paddy saplings.

Speaking to the media, the Hon’ble Minister extended his warm wishes to the farming community on the occasion of Asar Pandhra. He expressed his happiness on the participation of the dignitaries and officials as a mark of respect to the entire farming community. The state government under the leadership of the Hon’ble Chief Minister Shri Prem Singh Tamang is determined for the upliftment and welfare of the farmers, comprehensively. He reiterated the financial incentive of Rs. 8/ Litre of Milk, introduced by the state government and also shared the plans of the Government to offer attractive increment in per kilogram production of Cardamom and other notified crops in near future.

He also shared an accomplishment of the ruling government in implementing Pradhan Mantri Krishi Samman Nidhi Yojana and informed that, around 9100 (Nine Thousand and One Hundred) farmers have been benefited under the scheme with the allocated fund of approximately Rupees. Eight Crore Fifty Lakhs.

The Hon’ble Minister appealed to every household, irrespective of social and economic background, to adopt farming for the strengthening of the economy and to realize the vision of the Government for a Atma Nirbhar or Self Reliant Sikkim.

Political Secretary to HCM Shri Jacob Khaling also extended his warm greetings to the farming community and stated that the State Government has initiated several beneficial schemes for the welfare of the farmers. Elucidating the importance and indispensability of the farming profession, he added that, nothing seems possible in nature without agriculture, hence, all the people should consider and adopt farming as their lifestyle.

Hon’ble MLA Shri Em Prashad Sharma also extended his best wishes to the farmers on the special occasion of ‘Asar Pandra’.

After participating in ploughing and planting on the field, the dignitaries joined the farmers in savoring the special traditional delicacy of curd and beaten rice (dahi cheura).

Read Sikkim recorded 142 new covid cases and 01 New Death

Sikkim recorded 142 new covid cases and 01 New Death

corona sikkim
Corona case in Sikkim

Sikkim registered 142 new Covid cases on Sunday. The recovered number stand is 17720 and the Positivity Rate 23%, Recovery Rate 87.09% as per the health department.

The district-wise figure is 85 cases recorded in the east district, 39 cases recorded in the west district, 19 in the south district, and 07 cases in the north district. The total Covid active case in the state is 2065, as per the health department, Government of Sikkim.

Today, Department said that 01 Covid death were reported. The Covid deaths toll since last year is 305.

Also, the total cases to date stand at 20424.

Also Read- Understanding beyond SEO in your Startup

SEO: Understanding Beyond In Your Startup

SEO and Startup
SEO Digital

The SEO and Content marketing tactics are engaged more in national companies. The people who are running small businesses face a lot of difficulties to stand in the market because there are a lot of competitors in the market and standing against large national brands in a short time, it is very difficult for the people who are running small businesses. 

People who have small businesses must use some tactics or strategies to compete with national brands as small businesses have to make sure that they get the maximum number of customers.

There are some characteristics or features that a proprietor should learn while running a small business

Eagerness to learn: The proprietor should know what is running in the market or we can say that what’s the maximum the demand of customers as day by day the demand of people changes and technology also changes. So the very first thing a proprietor needs to understand is that he/she should know about the market or their competitors.

A strong work ethic: Having a strong work ethic for businesses is an important characteristic because to grow your business it requires a lot of hard work, time, and patience. The proprietor should know how to manage things like he/she should have knowledge about the market or competitor, how he can use his employees more effectively, and the main is the quality of the product he/she is offering to customers.

An ever-changing menu: Business owners should understand one thing that they have to keep changing the menus to compete in the market. He/she should have knowledge on how to set the menu in such a way that it should satisfy the customer and the business owner should have profits.

Steps to improve SEO for local businesses

Create an SEO- friendly website: Every business should have their own website because on that website we can display everything about our business from the product, prices to reviews about customers as it helps the customers to attract them. By going through the website the customer gets to know more about the product and he may end up buying the product.

Install Website analytics: Install Google analytics and Google search console where the website provides the analytical data about the reach and what content the customers are looking for. This analytical data, helps the company to work more upon that.

Create and promote your social media pages:  The business owner should create and promote their social media pages as day by day technology and the use of social media is increasing so it will enhance the customers to get more about the company or product and if they want to know more about the product they can contact the company or business owner and after that, there are many chances they may end up buying the product. From these steps, we can promote or socialize more about our business.

The early you start the early you get through tactics of SEO and content marketing are quite different but you can also become one of them by making some basic improvements listed above so that the technology can become friendly with your website and you can also grow and make your local business to a good reach.

Also Read – CM PS Golay attended the New District proposal meeting held at Manan Kendra.

PS Golay attended the New District proposal meeting

PS Golay
PS Golay

In his address, PS Golay stated that the decision to demarcate new Districts would be beneficial for the entire Sikkimese people and not just those belonging to these areas. The presentations showcased the planning done in advance by the concerned authorities and is the first step towards the establishment of the districts as promised and will come into effect in 2022.

Again PS Golay stated the that the prime purpose of our Government is to provide the best facilities to the masses, adding that the decision was made, keeping in mind the collective welfare of the people. He reiterated the initiative of Governance at the doorstep, which will provide basic facilities at the doorstep of the people and emphasised the implementation of IT for various official works to increase efficiency and urged the concerned individuals to adopt it as a foundation for the upcoming districts and build on it. He also urged the Ministers, MLAs, Advisors and others to familiarise themselves with these technologies for swift implementation of works and other matters.

Further, PS Golay stated that the Government functions as per the standard norms and policies and urged all to be mindful of these guidelines and adhere to them for smooth functioning. Similarly, he advised the concerned individuals to follow these norms and policies to establish a stronger foundation for the new districts. He also urged them to discuss on best measures for the collective welfare of these districts and the people.

Addressing the recent budget session, he informed the gathering about certain financial expenditure of the state and also about his meetings with individual departments regarding the management of funds, completion of works as scheduled and other internal matters.

PS Golay also emphasised on unitedly working towards the welfare of Sikkim and encouraged all to adopt a healthy work ethic to transform the work culture in the state. He reiterated the recent decision of the Government to provide discretionary funds to the ADCs(Development) and BDOs which can be used during emergencies and have provided vehicles wherever required.

As the new guidelines for unlocking are applicable from today, he appealed to the people to be cautious and not interpret this as the end of the pandemic. He directed the concerned officials to be vigilant and not permit any form of large gathering for the next few weeks. Likewise, he stated that the Government is already preparing for the third wave of the pandemic and has been adopting every necessary precaution. He affirmed his faith in the state health infrastructure, doctors, nurses, etc and added that they are more than capable of handling any sort of challenges.

Our Government has prioritised the Health and the Education sector and despite several hurdles, we have been persevering to further enhance the facilities in the state and will continue with our endeavours.


School going student raped by Ex-Army man in Bardang

Class 9 Student Raped in Bardang Sikkim
Class 9 Student Raped in Bardang East Sikkim

Very disturbing news has been received from Bardang, East Sikkim, wherein it is reported that Ex Armyman sexually assaulted a class 9 student.

A shocking incident of rape has surfaced from the Upper Bardang area of West Pendam, where a school student of Bardang Secondary School studying in class 9 was raped by a 45 years old man who is believed to have retired from the army.

The accused Dalay Tamang has been arrested by Singtam Police and a case has been registered against the accused under POCSO.

Such an incident against a girl is an unpardonable crime. Such perpetrators don’t deserve any place in society. They should be given the maximum amount of punishment possible and that should be a message to all others with such immoral thoughts.

Local demand strict action against the accused and request the Women Commission and Child Protection Commission Sikkim to follow this case and serve justice to the victim.

Also Read – FAU-G provides early access for Team Deathmatch Mode

FAU-G provides early access for Team Deathmatch Mode

Fau-g game released in india
The initial version of the Made in India ‘FAU-G or Fearless and United Guards

Right after the Galwan Valley clash between the Indian Army and Chinese Army, where our soldiers paid the greatest sacrifice to protect our motherland, the Indian Government had banned a series of apps having a link to China, claiming that they were a potential threat to the country’s integrity and sovereignty. This ban included some of the popular apps like Tiktok, PUB-G, Cam Scanner, and many more. 

Few days into the ban, the nCore Games, a leading games publisher based in Bangalore along with Akshay Kumar announced to launch a game similar to PUB-G to capture the vacuum created due to the ban of PUB-G. The first version of the game was launched on the 72nd Republic Day of India. The game was enthusiastically waited by the Indians and gathered 5 million pre-registrations on the Google Play Store.

The initial version of the Made in India ‘FAU-G or Fearless and United Guards’ disappointed the gaming community as the game failed to live up to the excess hype made around the app. The app’s first version only had linear gameplay with the soldier having only handheld weapons. The first chapter of the game is based on the Galwan Valley incident as told by the nCore games investor, Vishal Gondal.

The TDM or Team Death Match is a type of gameplay mode in FAUG wherein the users compete with each other in a team of a maximum number of members of 5. The team with maximum kills in the pre-decided time limit is announced as the winner. The latest released beta version has brought a major revamp into the game. Newer maps, weapons and 5v5 TDM has brought it in competition to the BGMI, Indian version of PUB-G, scheduled to launch in the next few weeks. 

The beta version which was scheduled to launch on June 21, has been released now to gather user feedback for the final release of the game. The download link to the game is:https://bit.ly/3xU4GM7. The TDM has started rolling nearly after 4 months of the first release of the game. As the early access has limited opportunities for the players to download the game, we recommend gaming enthusiasts download the beta version asap. 

Akshay Kumar took to Twitter to announce the release of the beta version on June 27. He also released the motion poster for the same. As soon as the game was released, netizens have triggered a meme fest on the game. The word #FAUG was also trending on Twitter.

Our initial testing found out that the game was having sharp graphics with Indian touch like the presence of Paan Shops and vehicles similar to the one present on our roads. The audio also had Indian touch and few Hindi dialogues as well. Also, the game had tried to raise awareness among its users for the Vaccination Drive and Mask Up campaign. Though the gameplay was not very engaging we would have to wait for the final release of the TDM gameplay version. Hope the team improves the gameplay and makes it a better alternative to the BGMI.

Photo credits: 1. tweet screenshot of Akshay Kumar from twitter.com cover picture of ncore games’ Twitter handle.

Also read- Microsoft to bring Android Apps on its OS?

UPSC And State Services Free Counselling And Workshop

career counselling UPSC
career counselling UPSC

Do you aspire to become a civil servant one day? Do you aim to get through the UPSC-CSE exam that is considered to be one of the toughest exams in the world? But do not know when and how to start your preparation and have many other confusions? 

To make your dream of serving this great nation Bharat a reality, you need to prepare yourself to get through the gateway that is between you and the white-collar job, that is Civil Services and conducted by UPSC. Preparation for this exam is a journey with various highs and lows in itself. You need proper guidance and the right direction to make your journey fruitful and reach your destination.

 YUVA DELHI is an organization dedicated to channelising the energy and potential of today’s youth for the collective development of this nation and contribute to make Bharat a “Vishwaguru”. Continuing the various efforts that we have been taking for the past few years, YUVA, North Delhi in association with Youtube channel Aaradhya: The Gateway of Knowledge is organising absolutely FREE UPSC and state services career counseling workshop where we would guide you to fulfill your dream and clear all your doubts. 

 Dr. Shruti Joshi, ex-civil servant, and faculty in the Department of Political Science, Satyawati College, University of Delhi would be mentoring you. The workshop that has been made possible by the efforts of Dr. Ashuosh Trivedi, Convenor YUVA, Uttari Vibhag, Assistant professor, Department of Political Science, Satyawati College, University of Delhi will not only introduce you to the exam pattern and forming its strategy but also cover various topics related to Mains exams like Globalisation, Urbanisation, and Secularism. The detailed schedule has been attached. Moreover, the cherry on the cake is that there would be a Q&A round after each session. 

 The venue of all the sessions is the Youtube channel Aaradhya: The Gateway of Knowledge. You can access the channel just by clicking on the link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgiifhaUgod9Tj93RZfxC3Q

 The schedule of the workshop is as follow:

 Day 1: Inaugural Session

27th June 2021 (Sunday), Time – 11.00 am.

Chair: Shri Rajneesh Jindal

(Delhi State Convener, YUVA)

Speaker: Dr. Shruti Joshi

Topic– UPSC Examination: A detailed introduction of examination, syllabus,

pattern, and strategy.

Day 2: Session on General Studies (Mains) Paper 1, Social Issues.

28th June 2021 (Monday), Time – 5.00 pm.

Topic– Population and associated issues.

Day 3: Session on General Studies (Mains) Paper 1, Social Issues.

29th June 2021 (Tuesday), Time – 5.00 pm.

Topic – Urbanization: problems and remedies.

 Day 4: Session on General Studies (Mains) Paper 1, Social Issues.

30th June 2021 (Wednesday), Time – 5.00 pm.

Topic – Effect of globalization on Indian society.

Day 5: Session on General Studies (Mains) Paper 1, Social Issues.

1st July 2021 (Thursday), Time – 5.00 pm.

Topic – Regionalism in India.

Day 6: Session on General Studies (Mains) Paper 1, Social Issues.

2nd July 2021 (Friday), Time – 5.00 pm.

Topic – Social empowerment of women in India.

 Day 7: Session on General Studies (Mains) Paper 1, Social Issues.

3rd July 2021 (Saturday), Time – 11.00 am.

Topic – Secularism.

Day 8: Concluding Session.

4th July 2021 (Sunday), Time – 11.00 am.

Topic – e-Governance: Role of IT in governance.

Also Read – Microsoft to bring Android Apps on its OS?