Taliban Crisis – The Return Of Dark Days

Kabul airport

Background on Taliban Crisis:

•The Taliban’s known as the Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan (IEA) ruled Afghanistan from 1996 to 2001. It was the toughest time for women in Afghanistan. Presuming an austere interpretation of the Islamic Sharia and Pashtun tribal practices, the group paused access to women’s education, employment and health services. Women rights in Afghanistan gained equality under the 1964 constitution. However, taken back in the year 1990 via temporary rulers like the Taliban during the civil war. Women had very little to no freedom, in terms of civil liberties.

•The Taliban originated in southern Afghanistan by a member of the Pashtun tribe (Mullah Omar). He became a mujahedeen commander that helped Soviets out of the country in 1989. Mullah Omar captured Kandahar and seized Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan. 

This happened when Afghans grew disenchanted with the country’s insecurity. Taliban swiftly foist strict Islamic rules that banned television and music. Above all, barred girls from going to school and made women forcefully wear burqas.

Taliban and Laden:

The Taliban protected Osama bin Laden after he planned and executed a 9/11 attack in the US. Taliban refused to give back bin laden when the U.S. demanded. American troops invaded Afghanistan and quickly toppled Mullah Omar’s government. Mullah Omar and other Taliban leaders found their protection in neighboring country’s like Pakistan. While they mounted an insurgent campaign to regain power in Afghanistan. The militants ran away and later regrouped. 

Nato Alliances joined the US and a new Afghan government came in 2004 but the Taliban continued to attack. With the help of president Barak Obama, troops in 2009, the Taliban force pushed back but not for the long term. 2001-2014 was the bloodiest year, Nato’s international forces ended their combat mission, leaving security to the Afghan army. That gave the Taliban momentum and they seized more territory. But the question arises that how the return of the Taliban became catastrophic for women? 

Condition of Women:

Under the Taliban rule, women were to cover themselves and only leave the house in the company of any male relative. They also banned them from attending schools and working outside the home. They couldn’t even vote. 

Women were imposed with punishments for disobeying these rules which also made them beat and flogged, and can declare their death if found guilty. Afghanistan had the highest maternal mortality rate in the world. But with the Fall of the Taliban in 2001, the situation for Afghani women and girls vastly improved. Women of Afghanistan were able to hold their position as ambassadors, ministers, police, governor’s and security force members.

In 2003 new government rejected the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women, which requires states to incorporate gender equality into their domestic law. In 2004 Afghan Constitution holds that citizens of Afghanistan has equal rights and duties before the law. Meanwhile, in 2009 a law introduced to secure women from forced and under-age marriage and violence as well. After this law, a lot changed that got discovered as violence and crime against women became less. Having almost no girls at school to tens of thousands at university, the progress has been slow and unstable. Also, under the rule of the Taliban, an incident took at Kabul University. Women students were not allowed to leave their dorm rooms unless they are accompanied by a male guardian. Two students said they were effectively trapped because they had no male relatives in the city.


•The notion speaks that the Taliban will change their ways which have been greeted with deep skepticism.

Worried about running into a conflict of local Taliban’s, many women stayed at home. Kabul residents have been tearing down the advertisement that show’s women without headscarves in recent days. The last rule of Taliban made restrictions on their behavior, outfit and movements. Imposed by roving morality police from the Ministry for the Propagation of Virtue and Prevention of Vice. They drove all over in pickup trucks, publicly humiliating and whipping women who did not follow to their rules. But for this new generation of Afghan girls who grew up studying at school and nurturing their dreams, the Taliban era is ancient history, and turning back the clock is a nearly incomprehensible fate. Therefore, the return of the Taliban have made an uneven and disturbed environment in the country of Afghanistan.

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