Illegal Construction must be demolished to solve Gangtok’s long-term Problem: Mayor in Action.

Neel Bdr Chettri

Yesterday the Mayor of Gangtok Neel Bahadur Chettri warned about illegal construction which has been causing many problems in the last 10 years and more in Gangtok’s MG Marg.

The discussion about the permanent solution to the issue of the drainage system in MG Marg was addressed. The accumulation of rainwater in MG Marg has been severely affecting the lives of business commuters for a long time. After last month’s hailstorm, this week’s heavy rain made many shopkeepers complain that water entering their shops.

Illegal construction has been the trouble maker when it comes to the passage of water. The illegal constructions must be demolished to pass the water on encroached drains, otherwise, it will be very difficult for the municipality to clear the water and the stagnant debris in the drains, said the Mayor during the meeting with stakeholders.

The meeting was attended by various stakeholders and some officials from Gangtok. The Mayor was of the view that there would be no solution to problem of the drainage system of MG Marg as long as the illegal construction remains, blocking the passage of drain water.
Since the rainy season has started in Sikkim, the onus lies on the newly elected municipal authorities of Gangtok to make sure that they make all arrangements beforehand and deploy ample staff to troubled locations. Proper planning about water-flow drainage is very much needed in Gangtok town and that is what the Mayor is looking for. At the same time, Mayor appealed to all concerned to self-demolish all such illegal and encroched constructions at the earliest to avert any legal action.

“Since it’s state’s top tourist spot, hygienic and safety matter the most, so we all need to address in this issue earliest as possible to permanent solution in MG Marg,” He said.

Gangtok SDM Robin Sewa agreed with Mayor’s views saying some construction was done above the drainage system which is illegal, SDM told he is ready to support this at any cost to solve the issue earliest.

Not just MG Marg, there’s heavy illegal construction above drainage was seen in Upperside of Indira Bypass, a large number of the building was seen constructing without proper planning. The umplanned construction led to NH10 collapse in Amdo Golai due to block of drainage water by several illegal constructions.

Recently UDD Sikkim had issued notices to 29 residents of MG Marg but till now no one has responded yet. The Mayor warned them to respond to them as early as possible otherwise he and the department will take legal action against them.

The most talked-about sewerage in Gangtok is the Tharo Line which is a problem creator for local shopkeepers during the rainy season. Excess water flows even on the footpath which reaches till Denzong cinema hall and eventually to traffic point leading to blockage.

The Mayor has asked all residents to come together and demolish the constructions along the drain path so they will be able to see long term solution for MG Marg.


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