Sikkim’s Manipal Hospital Receives NABH certificate

Sikkim Manipal Hospital
Sikkim Manipal Hospital

Gangtok, January 15 (IPR) Central Referral Hospital, Manipal becomes the first hospital in the state to receive certification from the National Accreditation Board for Hospitals (NABH). The hospital organized a press conference today at the VC Conference Hall, Manipal to announce the recognition.

According to the Vice Chancellor (SMU) Dr. Veteran General Mr. Rajan S. Grewal, the process of accreditation began to take shape almost three years ago. The process, he shared, was met with derision from his counterparts in other hospitals as well as members of his own hospital staff when it was initially mooted. He further added that NABH standard is a guideline on how to operate in a systematic manner, because the skills acquired in medical schools need certain guidelines. The VC also acknowledged the praiseworthy contribution of the all Women team at Central Referral Hospital, led by Dr. Mingma L Sherpa, Team of Managing operators, Operations executive to achieve the quality certification.

Head of Operations, CRH, Dr. Mingma Sherpa highlighted that the prime aim of CRH is to give quality and safe treatment to their patients and with this momentous achievement, CRH would set a trend of quality medical care in the state.

The process began on January 15th 2020, when the CRH completed and submitted comprehensive list of documents and evidence in the NABH online Hope Portal, Quality Council India. The onsite virtual assessment was successfully completed on 7th May 2021.

It is to be noted that NABH is a constituent of the Quality Council of India, which was set up to establish and operate accreditation programme for health care organisations. Third part accreditation and certifications by reputed organisation like NABH, enables healthcare organisations to standardise practices to improve the confidence of stakeholders and partners.

Previously, on September 16, 2019 a three-day training programme on (NABH) was organised for the first time in the state, which was attended by stakeholders from all departments including clinicians, faculty, paramedics, administration, engineering, HR, IT and support staff.

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