The Sikkim’s Dying Rorathang

The Dying Rorathang
The Dying Rorathang

Every time, some private Company Digs Sand & Stone in the Rorathang riverside illegally, and Sikkim Govt & Department is Unmoved? Authority action is just an eyewash- an ultimate Drama.

In 2019 The Sikkim Today has published and report that in Jalipool cremation the businessman instead of building that place has used the excavators for quarrying purposes. A full-fledged quarry is operational from this place at the moment, as seen by a passer-by. The final resting place for those following the Hindu rituals has been reduced to a quarrying field by a Contractor, who has sold the tender work to another Businessman for 1 crore.

It is not the first time that this negligent company is creating trouble for the environment and a life threat for civilians in East Sikkim’s Riverbank small village called Rorathang. Each time this company gets easy bail by some nexus between authority and their settings. It’s still happening and local complaints about this are helpless.

Last Months, again some company was caught red-handed smuggling materials from another side of the river (West Bengal side) inside Sikkim crossing river with JCB hampering river course, the Earthmover JCB machine was haphazardly clearing the riverway which according to Forest rule is a highly punishable offense as well as from Police side also for masquerading official Checkpost for ferrying freights and goods.

Also, the place is a highly sinking zone on the riverbank side beside there are some permacultural company was established in riverside. The company has diverted the course of the river towards the basement of the big slide as such in the coming time there could be a big mishap. Adding to this unprecedented manned threats also looms for industrial Units like SDL and Pharma Companies which are established just above the sinking zone.

Forgot about pharma company, the main border highway for Army vehicular movements towards Changu, Nathula is under construction and it could also be badly affected along with civilian traffic (Rorathang, Pakyong, Rongli, and Rhenock) due to detonation works beneath vulnerable sinking zone where this many company constructions is being carried in a rampant way!

In 2019 we published the same news in TST – but this is just an eyewash says, locals youth of Rorathang. Authority just pretends to have acted but in a real sense, everything is set up and drama only.

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