His Holiness Dalai Lama, Turns 86

Dalai Lama Birthday
Dalai Lama

Popular name as Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama who existed Tibet to living as a guest in India. His advanced age and the intransigence of China in negotiating with him have brought the issue of Tibet and his reincarnation into focus.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama was brought into the world on 6 July 1935 to a Tibetan cultivating family in the little town of Taktser, situated in the region of Amdo. He was named Lhamo Thondup, which is a real sense signifies ‘Wish-Fulfilling Goddess’. Taktser (Roaring Tiger) was a little town that remained on a slope sitting above an expansive valley. Its fields had not been settled or cultivated for long, just munched by wanderers. The justification for this was the unusualness of the climate around there. His Holiness writes in his life account, “During my youth, my family was one of twenty or thereabouts earning enough to pay the rent from the land there”.

The current Dalai Lama is the longest-reigning and longest living of all his predecessors. He has already mentioned that he may be the last of his line to be discovered unless something changes. In 2011, he insinuated that he may “retire” at the age of 90.

His Holiness is viewed as the current manifestation of the past thirteen Dalai Lamas of Tibet (the first having been brought into the world in 1391 CE), thusly viewed as Avalokiteshvara’s appearances, or Chenrezig, the Bodhisattva of Compassion, holder of the White Lotus. Subsequently, His Holiness is additionally accepted to be an indication of Chenrezig, indeed, the seventy-fourth in heredity that is followed back to a Brahmin kid who lived in the hour of Buddha Shakyamuni. “I’m regularly found out if I really accept this. The appropriate response isn’t easy to give. In any case, as a 56-year-old, when I consider my experience during this current life and given my Buddhist convictions, I have no trouble tolerating that I am profoundly associated both to the thirteen past Dalai Lamas, to Chenrezig and the Buddha himself”.

He was respected with the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989. In 2007, he got the most noteworthy regular citizen honor given by the U.S. Congress, Congressional Gold Medal. The fourteenth Dalai Lama emphatically goes against atomic weapons and fills in as a Nuclear Age Peace Foundation.

In 2009, while talking in Tennessee, the Dalai Lama said that he battles for the privileges of ladies and viewed himself as a women’s activist. As per Buddhist conviction, early termination isn’t right except if the birth is a danger to the mother or the kid. In a similar discourse, he said that the moral contemplations ought to be mulled over-dependent upon the situation.

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