Off-page (SEO) website, what it’s?

SEO in Digital website
Search engine marketing

Starting with this first we need to understand that what is off-page optimization website, basically it helps in building, the authority and reputation of your website which impacts your ranking within the search engine result pages it also has several benefits that are online branding, growth of reach, increases in referral and social traffic, increase in domain authority, better search engine Ranking.

We know that we need On-page SEO for the optimization of each web page to target a keyword and appeal to search engines and users also to create well-structured content and a good design and layout for the site but what if your link will only not working?

What if all your links would be coming from low-quality websites and would not be generating?

This think will directly impact your SEO and will appear to be spam. There is a tool known as the googles link disavow tool which helps you to tell google that you didn’t ask for low-quality links so that they are prevented and did not affect the ranking of your website.

Now if your low-quality links are removed then you need to look at high-quality links but now which are high-qualities links they are the one that follows the on-page SEO, that is excellent content, structured content and a nice design and layout.

When you create a site that is relevant to your industry you should ensure that it is filled with good quality content and should be engaging. It should be one of the best sites in your area of industry. now, how’s that possible all you need to do is look for the very best site of that industry and approach them for a link.


What does trust mean to you or how would you define trust, when you believe in someone and know that they are real people similarly to be the highest rank website we know that our site should have well-defined keywords, amazing content, and engaging design but google should also have a trust on your site that is it should be an authoritative resource and expects that the content available on your site should be accurate and well-written.Well, there is no defined way or method to determine the trust of a site but there are some strategies through which we can build trust.

now let’s understand the things with a little example if you want to buy something let’s say a lock, from where you would purchase it? obviously from the best brand because you want a trustworthy brand so that the lock you would purchase would keep the things safe. Similarly, there are some sites of highly trusted brand names like, BBC news etc. that are trusted by Google similarly there are some domains like .edu or .gov which are also the trusted ones.

But how can we become the trusted ones now? In this era of social media, we all have heard the word collaboration right? mostly the people using Instagram. Now, for example, I am a dancer and I wanted that my Instagram profile grows like other well-performing dancers so I would approach them to have a collaborate with them so that they would also mention me in their stories and profile and I could certainly gain the followers. similarly, if you want your site on top and as well as trusted then you should approach well-trusted brands so that if you can get a link from BBC news for example then your profile will have many visits and you would be successful. Now if a good brand name is associated with your site then definitely google will also start trusting your site and you would become one of the highest-ranking sites.

Google news and other important sites

After reading the last paragraph you might be in doubt that why would a massive site like BBC news give me the link until and unless  I have produced very much new-worthy content. Well, that’s for sure that it’s not easy to get a link from a well-developed website. Then what to do?

We have to look elsewhere so a good place to start is the Google news section of the SERPs. If you are looking for something like “farmer protest”, during the protest then you will find all the results and a few of them would be highlighted at the top, some may be displayed through the images. Have you ever noticed that google provides a different section for news so that you can tap there also and find the relevant news but not all the sites give the right news but if it’s coming in the section of news that means the site has managed to come in the trust list of google? Now you just have to connect with these trusted sites that google shows and you would get the same boost as from the BBC may be somewhat less.

But now the question comes how did these sites managed to be on the trusted list this is because they were able to get the links from a trusted brand like BBC and now they are helping you.

Working with the influencers

When we start working to build up our site so we already start discovering the big sites that are related to our field. These big sites are that websites that everyone taps for getting good and authentic content.Now, these big sites could be of two types the first one is they are linked to the branded big-name sites, or the second one is the one those ends up in google news and got links from the big sites. Now if you want these big sites to answer you and get those link benefits, all you need to do is to follow the barter system. So to let the big sites answer you most SEO experts recommend is using ‘guest posts’. Now, what is a guest post? Guest post is an option through which instead of swapping links for links you can offer swapping free content for a link.

So what you have to do is to find the sites which could be responsive towards your answer and look at the type of content they publish and post the type of content they need. You can also contact the site owner via email and show them the content you made and ask if they want to publish it. so you can make a simple deal that they could publish your article in return you can ask for including the link of your site in exchange. What they used to do is they put your link in the author box or include the link naturally in the content of the article and if it is included in your Website it looks more natural.

Linkbait and creating organic links

Linkbait simply means to create content with a focus of getting the link opened or shared, well with an easy example if I write the content about facts & myths of drinking water after food, so people would open the link when they want to prove themselves about this topic and the article would become perfect link-bait.

Second, this organic contact now let’s suppose you interact with someone and you did not find any flaws in that person you would become doubtful that how can be a person so perfect and you will start doubting about it similarly when your site has all high qualities link it would not look so organic so having some low qualities link is also good and looks organic for example, BBC have huge diverse links. they have links from massive sites but also tiny spam sites so the site looks more organic.

Backline research( the final step)

Finally, you have to go for a backlink strategy that is to perform backline research for other Website. So that you can look at your competition and look which site has got the most traffic and once you found it you can try to get links from the same site. This method ensures that you get the right links that have a proven track record and also you find links that are likely to give your guest posts.

Through these techniques, you can handle your off-page SEO and help to create a more authentic and organic website.

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