Should we pay full fees amid Pandemic?

School Fees
Private school fees

Covid-19 has had caused nationwide lockdown, which has been extending since the last one and a half years. It resulted in shutting down of every school and college for the sake of protection. However, confronting everything for such a long time, things turn out to be new normal. Hoping to carry everything in the right way, education sector saw a drastic change. It majorly transformed from learning to e-learning. As the school and colleges are closed teaching is online. However, the only thing that is constant is the students’ fees. Do you think it is right in the time of this crisis where everyone is experiencing economic losses?

The University says:

Well-known University of Delhi is close for the last one and a half year for any kind of physical access. Everything had been running online. The University Grant Commission (UGC) announced to permanently make the major part of academic exercise digital. Still several students coming from a marginalised background who don’t have access to the new practices. They raise their voice against it but the authorities have been ambivalently about it.

Others concerned:

However, a University doesn’t only consist of students. There are professors, non-teaching staff, workers, and organization teams. All those associated with schools and Universities are to paid for their work. However, their efforts make to build the organization are appreciable but would it be fair to reduce their payment? All the staff, workers, organization heads are being paid by the fees. Hence, not charging any fees will potentially affect their payment. Consequently, this will hinder the functioning of the   system and all involved will be unsatisfied. As not paying individuals for the hard work that perform will also not be in good taste.


AISA has also highlighted this issue through a Facebook post. The University of Delhi has been shut for the last one and a half years. By this time any kind of physical access has not been provided by them. They have faced a new dimension of online teaching and learning. They call it the new normal of education. 

The process of online learning continues, but the students are charged full fees of the college. They are not receiving any resources from the college. The libraries are closed, the physical classes have stopped. Also the digital classes are inaccessible because of network issues and gadgets, thus the classes have become irregular. AISA believes that charging full fees for the students is unfair as many of the student’s families have lost their jobs because of this they are under the burden of paying fees.

“AISA brings to you this survey to put forward to the University authorities. We seek to underline the conditions of the students and build a movement against the collection of fees in the University, demanding refund of previously paid fees” they added in the post.

They even released a Google form to let the community come forward and stand in support this. AISA had released a survey to look through this issue more clearly and put this forward to the university authorities. So that they could build a movement against the collection of fees in the University.



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