ISRO Celebrates Successful Chandrayaan-3 Mission Under the Leadership of PM Shri Narendra Modi


India is a land of profound insights where ancient wisdom shines bright. This beautiful country is a treasure trove of knowledge and home to some of the earliest civilizations in the world. It has a rich history of scientific and technological innovation, dating back to thousands of years. India’s ancient scientific, Vedic, and cosmic civilization is a source of great inspiration and pride for Indians. Its contributions to science, medicine, philosophy, and spirituality have enriched our understanding of the universe and our place in it.

Wow! The Chandrayaan-3 soft landing on the south pole of the Moon is a historic achievement for India and a major milestone in space exploration. All Indians are feeling an immense pride & their spirits soaring higher in the depth of lunar expanse, indeed a dream come true for 140 crore Indians. When the triumph was achieved, the symphony of ISRO’s potential, innovation & teamwork resounded marvelously across the globe.

India made history by becoming the first country to soft land its spacecraft Chandrayaan-3 on the south pole of the Moon. Ths successful moon mission is a milestone feat in the field of space exploration and it is a testament to the ingenuity and dedication of the scientists and engineers at the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). 

As per the sources, the Lunar South Pole also known as the “dark side,” is the most sought after captivating region due to its unique features & completely unexplored since existence, particularly, a  challenging place to land, as it is covered in craters and has a thin atmosphere. Despite this, the ISRO team overcame all  challenges and successfully landed the Chandrayaan-3 lander on the south pole surface of the Moon at 6.04 pm IST on 23 August 2023. India is the only country to do so. This mysterious hidden belt is thought to be rich in water ice, which could be a valuable resource for future space exploration. The Chandrayaan-3 is predicted to revolutionize our deep understanding of the Moon.

Now with this unbelievable breakthrough, India has entered into the Space Elite Club. Additionally, Chandrayaan-3 accomplishment will open up India’s space economy to a significant level. ISRO’s remarkable feat has opened up a new horizon of opportunities for several start-ups and companies involved in sectors such as space tech, aerospace, defense and R&D. ISRO’s success has potential to boost the space economy and ‘Make in India’ campaign.

In the realm of space exploration, the Indian Vedic texts do provide a fascinating glimpse into the ancient Indian understanding of the cosmos. 

The Vedas are revered as sacred scriptures and contain a vast array of knowledge across various subjects, including cosmology, space travel and the celestial realm.

The Rig Veda, the oldest of the Vedas, mentions the sun, moon, stars, and planets. It also describes the solar system and the universe. The Rig Veda mentions that the sun is the center of the solar system and that the planets revolve around it. It also describes the 27 nakshatras, (lunar mansions), which are used in Vedic astrology. The Upanishads, another ancient Vedic text, go even further in their discussion of space and cosmology. They talk about the different layers of the universe or parallel universe and the nature of time and space. It also reminds us that India has a long and rich history of scientific exploration and sophisticated understanding of space and planets thousands of years ago. 

There are many passages in the Vedas that could be interpreted as describing space travel. Through Astrophysics/space travel process, our ancient sages freely used to move from Earth to far-off planets like Brahma loka (about 26 thousands light years away from earth, possibly in the distant Galaxies), Pitriloka, Devaloka which had different time speeds than Earth as described in the Bhagavatapurana IX 3.29-36 and the Vishnupurana IV 1.20-39.

Interestingly, the Rig Veda is the first one to acknowledge the existence of the Solar System. While history credits Nicolaus Copernicus for proposing the heliocentric model of our solar system, it was the Rig Veda that first mentioned the central placement of the sun and other planets orbiting it in the solar system- Rig Veda 1.164.13.

Additionally, the secret mantra ‘Hanuman Chalisa’ precisely calculates the  distance between Earth and the Sun.

“Yug sahasra yojana par bhanu,

leelyo taahi madhura phal jaanu” 

According to Indian Rig Veda 10.22.14, it figured out gravity before the west did. Further, way before Isaac Newton explained gravity, ancient Indian scholars had already figured out how it worked. 

Likewise, the ancient Indian sages already knew about the speed of the Light & they also figured out the exact length of  a year. Indian sages were the first ones to measure the circumference of Earth & also the value of pi. More surprisingly, the ‘Mahabharata’ mentions the concept of cloning &  test tube babies etc.

Interestingly, the Vedas offer a unique perspective on the cosmos. In Vedic verses, secrets of the cosmos were found, they are full of symbolism and metaphor, and it is important to approach their descriptions with an open mind and a willingness to see beyond the literal meaning. The Vedic view of the cosmos is both scientific and spiritual. It is based on a deep understanding of the natural world, but it also goes beyond the physical realm to explore the metaphysical and spiritual dimensions of reality. The Indian wonders of ancient wisdom can coexist alongside the marvels of contemporary scientific progress. Both offer valuable insights into the nature of the universe, and both can help us to live more meaningful and fulfilling lives.

Big congratulations to the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) and all the scientists and engineers who made this achievement possible. This is a proud moment for India and a shining example of our growing capabilities in space technology.

In this grand feat, we must bestow credit to our hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi for his vision and incessant support for the space program. He has made it a priority to make India a leader in space exploration, and this achievement is a testament to his commitment. His inspiring words, advocacy and encouragement for exploration have helped to keep the team motivated like a beacon of hope during the challenging times.

At the outset, heartily congratulating all the scientists & team Chandrayaan, ISRO, for achieving the momentous feat, hon’ble PM Modi expressed the Chandrayaan successful mission would “propel India’s journey beyond the Moon’s orbit”, the Sun and Venus were on ISRO’s agenda. Soon, ISRO will launch the ‘Aditya L-1’ mission for in-depth study of the Sun. Through the Gaganyaan mission, the country is diligently preparing for its first human spaceflight mission. India is repeatedly proving that the “sky is not the limit.” he said. Hon’ble PM Modi has announced that the point where Chandrayaan-3 landed on the Moon, will be called ‘Shivshakti’. He also announced that India will celebrate August 23 as ‘National Space Day’ to mark successful touchdown of Chandrayaan-3 mission’s lander.

Indeed, under PM Modi’s vibrant rule, India has evolved into a significant global player in defense, R&D, space science and technology. India’s space programme has grown steadily, achieving significant milestones. The successful Chandrayaan-3 lunar mission has put India in a leading position in the global space race and has made India a major player in the international space community. I am proud to be an Indian to see my country making such great strides in the field of space science and technology. Now, with pride in our hearts, every Indian stands tall and confident under the leadership of hon’ble PM Shri Narandra Modi, India will continue to achieve outstanding feats in the years to come & will continue to be a leader in science and technology. 

The successful Chandrayaan-3 mission is a major landmark in the history of Moon exploration. It is a reminder of the power of human ingenuity and the potential for discovery that lies beyond our own planet. The Chandrayaan-3 has already started its findings, now the whole world is excited to see what the Chandrayaan-3 mission will discover in the years to come,  hope it will certainly make a myriad of amazing discoveries that will amaze and inspire mankind.

(This Article is Originally Written By Manoj Joshi.
Of Gangtok; Sikkim can be contact at Mob; 8918422242)


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