Search Engine Optimization- Top 5 Future Trends

Top 5 Future Trends for Search engine optimization
Search engine optimization

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has turned out to be an extensive topic. With Google bringing new changes there are many different things that are affecting SEO. Here are some SEO trends that will definitely help you improve your website ranking.


Firstly, we need to understand what Artificial Intelligence (AI) is. Artificial Intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence processed by machines or the intelligence that’s shown by machines. This approach changed the way people were interacting with online content. In the last few years, Engine Optimisation underwent many changes, the drastic one was after Google introduced Rank Brain. Rank Brain is a machine-based learning search algorithm that helps Google to process the search result. Now artificial intelligence will help in improving the keyword search method and look after the fields like AI search, AI content writing, and AI technical on-page analysis.


Voice search has become the new engagement in the field of SEO. As the number of mobile users increases, the voice search also reflects a massive growth. Google Home, Siri, Google Assistant, and Amazon Alexa, exemplify this phenomenon. We can optimise our content to make it voice search-friendly by using the natural language with concise answers to satisfy the users. We can also include long-tail keywords and practice writing longer content as it is observed that voice search queries are longer than typed queries. It is noted that from the last year the voice search of near me has rapidly increased. Hence, it is preferable to include the correct address or location so that your data looks more correct and structured.


Mobile SEO is again becoming a priority and Google had started a full mobile index in March 2021. The website owners should be prioritizing mobile SEO keeping in mind that the content site performs well from a mobile perspective. Some of the mobile SEO best practices are optimizing your page to increase your mobile page speed score by reducing the redirect Browser caching and implementing Mini fight quotes. We can also add a special effect mobile page with the use of HTML5 instead of using plugins because they are not supported by small screen pages. Further, simplicity should be the key to designing and your website should be designed for responsive pages by using better UI/UX on mobiles.


Including video content has become a new trend in Search Engine Optimisation. It gives a better engagement for customers and also gives a better look to your product and to the visitor’s content. It is not the cheapest form of content but it is highly engaging. Using it we can design creative content and give a good picture of your product in the minds of customers. You can effectively use social media for video content, for instance: Facebook Live, Instagram TV, and reads. Moreover, you can even create your own YouTube channel and take the advantage of YouTube SEO through YouTube videos. One can also attach the web link to the video but while making a YouTube video we should add a good title thumbnail and Metadata to it.


Interlinking is new to SEO, it is time-saving as compared to external link building, so interlink is better. It is rather quick and free and helps to improve the ranking of the page. While using the internal link you should confirm that your link is on the correct and relevant anchor text and should decide the page on to which the internal links will be placed. Finally, the quality of the content on the linking page should also be checked properly.

These trends are on the list of SEO trend 2021 that should be kept in mind. Trends help up in the building and updating the website and to improve its ranking. The trends should be followed accordingly, the website should have proper voice-friendly searching & supporting functions like video content. It should also have a long-term localised search goal to facilitate the ranking of your website.

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